
Sitecore XP 9.3.0 and SXA 9.3.0 Demo – Habitat Home – Setup Guide

You’re a Sitecore developer and want to know how to implement the website(s) using Sitecore Experience Accelerator 9.3.0 (aka SXA 9.3.0) on Sitecore Experience Platform 9.3 Initial Release (aka Sitecore XP 9.3.0) and following Helix principles.

If that is the case, you should set up Sitecore demo – Habitat Home – on your machine so that you’re able to play around with the Sitecore solution example and then learn something.

From now on, you can set it up by playing around with the set up of Sitecore Docker Images (note: for Sitecore 9.3.x instances) and then do the following steps:

  1. ensure that Sitecore PowerShell Extension + Sitecore Experience Accelerator and Sitecore Publishing Service modules are available in Sitecore docker images
    • open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator)
    • change directory to D:\ScDocker\docker-images
    • execute .\build -IncludeSpe -IncludeSxa -IncludeExperimental
  2. install Sitecore.Courier PowerShell module if NOT YET
    • launch PowerShell as an administrator
    • execute Install-Module -Name Sitecore.Courier
    • hhp930_6
  3. download Sitecore Azure Toolkit 2.4.0 and then unzip it in C:\sat if NOT YET
    • hhp930_9.png
  4. download or clone the git repo from Habitat Home Platform 9.3.0 to C:\Projects\Sitecore.HabitatHome.Platform
  5. launch PowerShell as an administrator
  6. change directory to C:\Projects\Sitecore.HabitatHome.Platform
  7. execute .\build.ps1 -DeploymentTarget DockerBuild
    • hhp930_5
    • hhp930_8.png
  8. set SITECORE_LICENSE variable by following this instruction
    • hhp930_14
    • download Set-LicenseEnvironmentVariable.ps1 and then put it into C:\Projects\Sitecore.HabitatHome.Platform
    • execute .\Set-LicenseEnvironmentVariable.ps1 -Path C:\license\license.xml
    • hhp930_13
  9. execute docker-compose build -m 8G
    • hhp930_11.png
  10. execute docker-compose up -d
  11. open a browser, navigate to http://localhost:44001/
    • hhp930_15


Personally, I keep playing around with the manual steps as well so I can have a good chance to get the lessons-learned as many as possible 😀

Setup Preresiquites

  • it’s configured for HTTPS/SSL only
  • Windows 10
  • Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.7 or later)

You must log into before downloading the following ones:

Step-by-step Guide

  1. install the ones below if not yet 😀
  2. install all required Sitecore modules below via Installation Wizard
  3. publish your Sitecore Instance
    • This slideshow requires JavaScript.

  4. download or clone the git repo from Habitat Home Platform 9.3.0 to D:\Projects\HHP930
  5. Note: I don’t want to use the default settings so I need to adjust the appropriate values in:
    •  cake-config.json
    • hhp930_3.png
    • \src\Project\Global\code\App_Config\Include\Project\z.DevSettings.config
    • hhp930_4
  6. deploy Sitecore.HabitatHome.Platform
    • launch PowerShell as an administrator
    • change directory to D:\Projects\HHP930
    • execute .\build
    • hhp930_1.png
  7. hopefully everything runs well and then you would see something like this
    • hhp930_2
  8. open a browser and then navigate to https://habitathome930.local, you would see something like this
    • hhp930_5.png


Note: some known issues

  1. Search function does NOT work as expected: No results


Got issues?

Please send your issues (with screenshots if possible) to so that I have a chance to understand your problem and be able to suggest the solution.

Happy Sitecore Demo Installation!



6 thoughts on “Sitecore XP 9.3.0 and SXA 9.3.0 Demo – Habitat Home – Setup Guide

  1. Hi Viet
    Thanks for posting it. I was trying it but now I am blocked.
    Step: Processing 7 of 60 ‘sitecore-xm-sxa-solr:9.3.0-nanoserver-1809’…
    I am not able to build this Solr image, any ideas?
    Googling i found similar issue but no clue


    Failed: docker image build –isolation ‘hyperv’ –build-arg –build-arg BASE_IMAGE=sitecore-openjdk:8-nanoserver-1809 –build-arg SOLR_VERSION=8.1.1 –build-arg CORE_NAMES=’sitecore_core_index,
    sitecore_master_index, sitecore_web_index, sitecore_sxa_master_index, sitecore_sxa_web_index’ –build-arg MANAGED_SCHEMA_DEFAULT_NAME=’managed-schema.default.930′ –tag ‘sitecore-xm-sxa-solr:9.3.0-nanoserver-1809’
    At D:\server\docker\docker-images\modules\SitecoreImageBuilder\1.0.0\Public\Invoke-Build.ps1:234 char:74
    + … here-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object { throw “Failed: $buildCommand” }
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (Failed: docker …tecore-xm-solr’:String) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Failed: docker image build –isolation ‘hyperv’ –build-arg –build-arg BASE_IMAGE=sitecore-openjdk:8-nanoserver-1809 –build-arg SOLR_VERSION=8.1.1 –build-arg CORE_NAMES=’sitecore
    _core_index, sitecore_master_index, sitecore_web_index, sitecore_sxa_master_index, sitecore_sxa_web_index’ –build-arg MANAGED_SCHEMA_DEFAULT_NAME=’managed-schema.default.930′ –tag ‘sitecore-xm-sxa-solr:9.3.0-nanoserver-1809’ ‘D:\server\docker\docker-images\window


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